Download your free summer sleep guide from Huckleberry Sleep Camp

Updated Jun 26, 2024
sleep camp

Remember the magic of childhood summers? Now, as a parent, it’s chaos: childcare switch-ups, traveling, and allllll the weekend plans. It may seem like a choice between your family’s sleep needs or fun but we can help you find a balance!

Huckleberry Sleep Camp is a digital homage to summer camp that aims to improve your family’s summer sleep habits and make room for some fun in your hectic schedule.

This month, we’re making summer a little easier on families by sharing seasonal sleep support. This ✨free✨ themed guide is chock-full of expert advice, activities, and age-appropriate ideas to help improve your child’s sleep. 

Find more summer fun on Instagram @huckleberrycare. We’re hosting giveaways, family-friendly yoga, a community parks project to inspire your wanderlust, and opportunities to ask our world-class experts about bedtime and feeding-related sleep challenges.

Whether you need sleep support or a place to keep up with your child’s growth, the Huckleberry App is like a sidekick. We combine expert advice with smart tools so you can focus on the moments that matter. Like their first taste of ice cream or walking barefoot in the grass for the first time.

Download Huckleberry for year-round support and you’ll also receive age-appropriate guidance as your child’s sleep needs change.

Need heavier-hitting sleep support to get you through summer? We’re offering up to 30% off Huckleberry memberships now through July 19th. From customized sleep plans for temporary schedules to keeping tabs on wake windows with SweetSpot®, Huckleberry’s Plus and Premium memberships can tailor your family’s needs to keep summer a breeze.

Thanks for joining us and welcome to Huckleberry Sleep Camp!

Note: The content on this site is for informational purposes only and should not replace medical advice from your doctor, pediatrician, or medical professional. If you have questions or concerns, you should contact a medical professional.