
Sleep Tips

When putting baby to sleep — and helping them fall asleep — here's what you need to know. A parent's resource for baby and child sleep tips, written by pediatric sleep consultants.

Toddler waking early

Why is my toddler waking so early?

Toddler girl in bed

How can I get my toddler to stay in their bed at night?

Mom and daughter doing a sticker chart

How to use sticker charts to improve sleep for preschoolers

newborn baby sleeping

Newborns sleeping too much: A norm or cause for concern?

Preschool girl out of bed

How can I get my preschooler to stay in their bed at night?

Child in bed listening to audiobook

Can audiobooks help my preschooler sleep?

Baby smiling in sleep.

Why does your baby laugh and smile in sleep?

Overtired baby held by mother

How to get an overtired baby to sleep: Signs of an overtired child

Baby sleeping.

Baby grunting and other sleep sounds: Tips for better rest

Toddler trying to climb out of crib.

How to handle toddlers climbing out of the crib

Baby awake in crib.

Wake windows vs. 'by the clock' schedules: Which is right for my child?

Toddler in bed still awake.

Why is my toddler taking so long to fall asleep? 7 common causes and solutions

Little girl scared in bed.

Dealing with nighttime fears in children: Overcoming fear of the dark and monsters

Baby sleeping with open mouth

Baby sleeping with mouth open, is it normal? When to worry

Baby with a stuffy nose snuggling mom

How to help a baby sleep with a stuffy nose?

Baby with a cold.

Tips to get a sick baby to sleep

Newborn baby sleeping in mother's arms

Newborn won't sleep unless being held: What to do?

Boy in bed

Do children with autism have trouble sleeping?

Can an ear infection cause a sleep regression?

Sleeping newborn

How to change newborn sleep patterns from day to night

A baby sleeping on their back with a pacifier.

Can newborns sleep on their side? How safe is it?

Baby rolled onto their stomach while asleep

Is it OK for a baby to sleep on their stomach?

A toddler sleeping with a pillow.

When can a toddler use a pillow?

A baby sleeping in a crib.

When do babies start sleeping through the night?

A toddler napping.

Why won't my toddler nap?

A toddler sleeping in their bed

Why is my toddler waking at night? How to get your toddler to sleep through the night

A toddler looking at a book.

Sleep and cognitive development: How adequate sleep enhances learning in children

A baby sleeping.

Decoding baby sleep cues: Nurturing healthy sleep habits from the start

A mother reading with her two children.

Mastering sleep routines: Navigating multiple children

A child in blue, plaid pajamas cuddling a stuffed animal.

Kids and sleep: How much is too much day sleep?

A woman is holding a crying baby.

The witching hour: What it is, why it happens, and how to manage

Toddler nightmares: Why they happen and what to do

A child peeking over the bed covers.

Bedtime problems: Sleep resistance in kids

A child holding a melatonin gummy.

Melatonin for kids: Is it safe for kids to take melatonin?

A young girl in pajamas smiling.

How to transition your child to bedtime using a timer

A photo of a young child sleeping with their stuffed animal, a rabbit.

How to solidify a sleep routine for your child

Back to school sleep schedule & tips

Toddler in yellow raincoat with orange beanie and green boots walking through the forest during Autumn

How to adjust your baby’s sleep for fall daylight saving time change in 2024

A caregiver is holding a baby, who is sucking on their thumb.

How to get your baby to sleep in a crib

A baby is smiling while in a swaddle.

When to stop swaddling baby: Transition out of swaddle

A kindergartener boy is napping on a nap mat.

How much sleep do 5 year olds need: Kindergartener sleep needs

Two brothers sitting beside each other smiling.

Tips and tricks for siblings sharing a room

A baby is being comforted by their caregiver in a bassinet while also being swaddled.

When to move baby to crib: Help your baby move out of the bassinet

A smiling baby in a crib with a blue onesie on.

When and how to transition your baby to their own room

Baby wake windows by age: Newborn and infant sleep windows

Sleep Sacks: When to use, when to stop using and sizing tips by age

Child sleeping in the crib.

Crib safety: a guide to preparing a safe sleeping environment

How to swaddle a baby for optimal sleep

A baby in a bassinet.

Tips for room sharing with your baby

Wooden crib in neutral nursery room

7 crib safety tips and checklist: A guide to safe sleep

A small child sleeping in a toddler bed.

When to transition from a crib to a toddler bed

Yawning newborn on furry brown blanket

Ask an expert with Amy Bassett

Adult hands holding baby feet in crib

Ask an expert with Dr. Erin Flynn-Evans

Toddler asleep in bed

Ask an expert with Amber LoRe

Toddler sitting up in bed after having nightmare or night terror

Night terrors in toddlers: What you can do

Spring forward 2025: Adjust baby sleep schedule

Newborn sleeping soundly in crib. White noise can help babies sleep.

Can white noise help babies sleep?

halloween sleep tips toddler sleep schedule on holidays

How to get your kid to sleep after trick-or-treating

Baby whimpering while sleeping while mom tries to put him back to bed.

3 reasons why your baby is crying in their sleep: Causes and tips

Woman laying in bed on cellphone

3 tips for parents having sleep troubles during the pandemic

Child hiding under blanket

5 tips to limit nighttime fears during the COVID-19 pandemic

Child sleeping in bed during night time

5 tips for creating a kid's sleep sanctuary

Child sleeping in bed getting good sleep

How sleep can boost your child's immunity

Adult sleeping in bed

5 tips to improve sleep with proper sleep hygiene

4 reasons your 2 year old is stalling at bedtime

Huckleberry Sleep Consultant

Confessions of a sleep consultant with Amber LoRe

bed time books

Awesome bedtime books for babies

Mom reading to baby before bed time

Bedtime routines our baby sleep consultants swear by

Baby on bed Photo by Min An from Pexels

Baby waking up too early: Reasons and tips to handle early risers

Kids at airport watching airplanes take off

Traveling with kids? How to keep your sleep routine on track

parents and baby

Sleep during COVID-19: How to ensure kids are getting enough