
14 month old toddler milestones: Development, growth, speech, language, and more

It’s exciting to watch your child learn and grow at 14 months! This is a period of development that can include children taking independent steps and trying to say a couple of words. At this age, many children are also learning to feed themselves and show affection. They’re also wanting to assert their independence more, which inevitably leads to frustration and tantrums.  

In this article, we’ll take you through the milestones you can expect from 14 month old children, give you a handy 14 month old development checklist, and provide useful tips to help ensure your little one is learning and growing as much as possible.   

Editor’s Note:

When we discuss toddlers and development at Huckleberry, we use their adjusted age (vs. actual age). Not all children will reach 14 month old milestones simultaneously — and that’s normal. There’s a wide spectrum when it comes to how fast kids grow and develop. While many children do reach these milestones by 14 months, this isn’t always the case. If you have any concerns or questions about your child’s development, reach out to their pediatrician.


14 months is an exciting age that usually includes milestones like walking, trying to say words, showing interest in toys and other objects, giving hugs and kisses, and communicating interest in things by pointing and clapping. Children at 14 months are often trying to assert their independence through activities like eating and getting dressed, even though they still need some help. Sometimes this desire for control leads to temper tantrums. Though frustrating, tantrums are a normal part of toddler development.

At 14 months, around 13.25 hours of sleep over a 24-hour period. This includes 10 - 12 hours of overnight sleep and around 2 - 3 hours of sleep during the day, split between 1 or 2 naps. Note that this recommendation is a guideline and it’s equally important to monitor your child’s mood and energy levels when evaluating their sleep needs. All kids are different, even when it comes to sleep. 

Naps for toddlers at 14 months can be quite varied at this age. Some children will drop to 1 nap per day at this age, while others will do best continuing with 2 naps per day for a while longer. The 2-to-1 nap transition generally happens between , so it may be on the horizon if your little one is still taking two naps. 

Signs that they are ready to drop a nap include suddenly taking short naps, resisting daytime sleep, or consistently sleeping less than 10 hours at night. These are often signs that your child is ready for longer awake periods and may be ready for one nap per day. However, if your toddler is doing well on a 2-nap schedule, don’t rush changing to 1 nap. Dropping a nap too early can backfire and lead to irritability and overtiredness that can negatively affect sleep. 

If you’d like personalized sleep guidance for your little one, especially with the 2-to-1 nap transition on the horizon, consider submitting for a sleep plan through . Our step-by-step plans are tailored to your child’s needs as well as your family’s goals.

Your child may be eating three meals and two snacks on most days at around 14 months as children this age generally depend on solid foods to get the to grow, even if they are still nursing. Your child may still be using bottles, especially as part of a bedtime routine, however, the American Academy of Pediatrics [] recommends cutting down on bottles around this age for various reasons. These include preventing cavities and making sure your child feels hungry enough to eat solid food at mealtimes. 

If you’ve noticed that your child is eating less overall at this age, it is likely because their rate of growth has slowed []. This is normal after children turn 1. They need less energy (food) to support their growth and development after their first year of life. Trust that your child is adjusting their food intake according to their body’s needs and usually this is not something to be concerned about. 

In addition to changing nutritional needs, toddlers are often at this age. This is common too! Note this can be a frustrating phase but most children outgrow picky eating. Try to take it in stride and avoid being a short-order cook as much as possible, as that can reinforce picky eating behaviors. Continue offering a variety of foods, even if your child doesn’t eat them. 

During the toddler years, it may be helpful to keep in mind the division of responsibility — the idea that a parent/caregiver decides what is being served, as well as when and where it will be served. Then it’s the child’s job to decide if they will eat it and how much. This practice can help ease power struggles at mealtime. 

Of course, if you have any concerns about your child’s eating, consult with their healthcare provider. 

In general, growth slows down during a child’s second year of life. Typically they may have a weight gain [] of about 5 pounds and grow about 4 or 5 inches in height between 1 - 2 years old.  

Note that it can be normal for your little one to grow more or less than this. Your child’s doctor has been tracking their height and weight on their growth chart since birth to ensure that they’re growing at a regular pace. This also helps a doctor quickly pinpoint any trends that need attention. If you have concerns about your baby’s growth at 14 months, consult their pediatrician. 

Walking: You may ask, Most children learn to walk in the months following their first birthday. At 14 months, children are often taking a few steps [] on their own. The early version of walking is called “toddling” and often looks pretty funny — and cute! 

In the beginning, children often keep their legs wide apart and seem to hesitate between each step. Their movements are often jerky as they work to move one foot forward and then the other. After a few months of practice, their gait will likely be smoother and they’ll move their hands to their side as they walk, instead of out in front of them for balance. 

Note that children develop at different rates and not all toddlers will be walking by 14 months. However, let your child’s doctor know if they aren’t taking steps alone by 15 months []. 

Independent eating: Toddlers are usually eager to assert their independence at 14 months, especially at the table. They often enjoy using their fingers to feed themselves and are starting to use utensils like spoons [], even though it’s very messy at first. Children this age can typically drink from cups — with lots of spills, of course!  

Getting dressed: While your little one isn’t quite ready to fully dress themselves, they will likely try to help [] at this age. This can look like holding their arms out for sleeves or putting their feet up in the air in anticipation of socks and shoes. 

Scribble: 14 month fine motor milestones may mean you have a tiny artist on your hands. Children this age can usually hold a crayon [] and use their developing hand-eye coordination to make a few scribbles if you show them how to do it first. 

Turning pages: Thin paper pages are probably still tricky for your toddler, but they can likely turn the cover of a book or a single page of a thick, board book [] at this age.

Expressive language: By 15 months, children usually try to say one or two words [] other than “mama” or “dada.” At this age, these words may be approximations, like “ba” for “ball” or “da” for “dog.” They may use 5 - 10 words [] at this age and start using sounds with gestures closer to 15 months. 

Note that there’s a wide range of normal when it comes to 14 month old speech milestones and what a child can say at this age. Try not to get hung up on what your child can say and rather pay attention to what they know as well, as receptive language typically develops first.  

Receptive language: Receptive language refers to understanding information through words, gestures, signs, and symbols. Around 14 - 15 months, your little one may look at a familiar object after you name it, which shows they know the word — even if they aren’t saying it yet. By 15 months, children can often understand around 50 words []. 

Directions: Children around this age can often follow simple instructions [] like, “Give me the toy.” These instructions can be given verbally or through gestures, like holding out your hand when you ask for the toy. 

Body parts: By 15 months, your little one may be able to point to 1 or 2 body parts [] when they’re named.  

Affection: By 15 months, most children learn to give hugs []. This may be the sweetest milestone! They will likely hug you as well as their toys. Around this age, little ones often show affection by giving sweet kisses and cuddles [] too. 

Copying: Around 14 - 15 months, your little one may copy [] what they see other children doing, like dumping blocks out of a basket.  

Showing interest: Toddlers are learning how to communicate their interest and excitement over things at around 14 - 15 months. Children this age often show excitement by clapping []. They can usually point and show you something they’re interested in (or need help with) as well.  

Tantrums: Part of 14 month old emotional development includes tantrums. They are often a result of frustration around not being able to communicate clearly and not getting their way. Toddlers at this age also want to assert their independence and don’t like being told “no.” Tantrums also tend to increase when a child is hungry and/or tired. Rest assured are a normal part of toddler development and they don’t last forever! 

Using items correctly: It’s pretty fun to see your little one learn what objects are and try to use them the right way. By 15 months children often try to use common objects correctly [], like a phone, cup, or book. 

Stacking: Your little builder may be able to stack two small objects [] (like blocks or books). 

Keep in mind that children grow and develop at different rates — that’s normal! Most toddlers will hit these milestones by 14 - 15 months, though that’s not always the case. If you are concerned about your child’s growth or developmental delays when it comes to 14 month old milestones, reach out to their healthcare provider. 

  • Takes a few steps alone

  • Attempts to use utensils and drink from a cup independently

  • Helps with getting dressed

  • Holds a crayon and begins to scribble after seeing you do it

  • Turns a single thick page 

  • Says one or two words other than “mama” and “dada”

  • May say 5 - 10 words

  • Uses approximations for words (like “ba” for “ball”)

  • Look at a familiar object after you name it

  • Understands around 50 words

  • Follows simple one-step directions

  • Can point to 1 - 2 body parts when they’re named

  • Shows affection with hugs, kisses, and cuddles 

  • Copies actions like dumping out a container 

  • Communicates excitement by clapping 

  • Points to objects they’re interested in 

  • Tries to use objects correctly (phone, spoon, etc.)

  • Stacks two small blocks

Make language a fun part of your day by talking, reading, and singing to your child. These are great ways to expose your toddler to words, which builds language and helps brain development! Try building these activities into your daily routines so they’re not another lofty task on your to-do list. For example, pick a song to sing during diaper changes. All that repetition is helpful for speech development.  

Practicing fine motor skills can be fun for your little one. A basket of blocks, for example, is exciting and it can also motivate your child to work on skills like stacking [], filling, and dumping. Most children can stack two blocks by 15 months. 

This one might get messy, but allowing your child to work on skills like drinking from an open cup and using utensils will set them up for future success. At around 14 - 15 months, your toddler may be able to begin using a spoon [] somewhat successfully.    

Tantrums are a normal part of toddler development, even though they can be frustrating for parents and caregivers. Oftentimes tantrums are the result of frustration [] around boundaries and being told “no.” One way you can provide your toddler with a little independence and help them assert control is by offering them two choices that you’re comfortable with. For example, “Do you want to have the blue cup or the red cup?” or “Would you like to eat a banana or some blueberries?”  

Now that your toddler is taking steps (or is getting ready to), it’s important to do another round of checks to make sure your . Check for choking hazards, toxic substances, and breakable items that may be in reach now. Consider closing bathroom doors and keeping toilet seats down now too. Using safety gates in front of stairs is also a good idea. 

  • Your toddler will likely start taking independent steps in the months following their first birthday, which means they may be newly walking now. If not, that’s OK! There’s a wide range of normal when it comes to gross motor milestones. Let your child’s doctor know if they aren’t taking steps alone by 15 months, [] however.  

  • At 14 months, children are starting to say a few words other than “mama” and “dada.” Some kids will say 5 - 10 words [] by 15 months! Expressive language is just one piece of the puzzle, though. Keep in mind what your little one knows, not just what they say. Receptive language often comes before expressive language. They may understand around 50 words [] at this age!  

  • Your 14 month old may be expressing their affection with hugs and kisses [] now! By 15 months, children may also show excitement by clapping and trying to get your attention by pointing to objects they want you to notice too.  

  • Note that these are general guidelines for development at 14 months. There’s a wide spectrum of normal when it comes to milestones and it’s OK if your toddler isn’t doing all of these things by around 14 - 15 months. That said, consult with your child’s healthcare provider if you notice any 14 month old milestone red flags or delays.

14 month old development milestones FAQ

Q: What should a 14 month old be able to do?


At 14 months, children are often able to take a few steps alone if they’re not walking already. On the speech front, toddlers can typically say a few words (around 5 - 10 words by 15 months). Most 14 - 15 month olds are also able to express affection with hugs, kisses, and cuddles!

Q: What are 3 major physical milestones by 14 months of age?


The big 14 month old gross motor milestone is taking independent steps. However, there’s a wide range of normal when it comes to walking and your child may have reached this milestone already or they may still need a little more time and practice. 14 month fine motor skills usually involve children starting to use utensils and drink from an open cup, even though it’ll be messy! They can likely assist with getting dressed at this age too.

Q: What does a 14 month old understand?


Receptive language generally comes first for children. This means they may know quite a lot at 14 months, even if they’re not saying many words yet. Typical 14 month language development means they may understand about 50 words [8] by the time they reach 15 months! Toddlers usually begin to understand how to show affection around 14 - 15 months and show it by giving hugs and kisses.

Q: How to help a 14 month old reach milestones?


You can help your toddler reach 14 month developmental milestones by talking, reading, and singing to them as much as possible throughout the day. Exposing your child to words builds language and also stimulates the brain. Encouraging your child to feed themselves is also a great way to help them work on fine motor skills. Practice with cups and utensils will be messy at this age, but working on these skills now will pay off in the future!

Q: What milestones should a 14 month old have for a pediatric visit?


Typical well-child visits happen at 12 and 18 months. If your child visits the doctor between 14 - 15 months, they will chart your child’s height and weight to be sure your toddler is following their typical growth curve. The doctor will likely want to know [10] if there have been any changes in your child since their last visit and ask if your child is taking steps, trying to say a couple of words, showing affection, and following simple directions.

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Note: The content on this site is for informational purposes only and should not replace medical advice from your doctor, pediatrician, or medical professional. If you have questions or concerns, you should contact a medical professional.

10 Sources


  1. American Academy of Pediatrics (2023). From Bottle to Cup: Helping Your Child Make a Healthy Transition.
  2. Nemours Health (2024). Your Child's Growth.
  3. Nemours Health (2024). Growth and Your 1- to 2-Year-Old.
  4. CDC (2024). Important Milestones: Your Baby By Fifteen Months.
  5. Nemours Health (2024). Movement, Coordination, and Your 1- to 2-Year-Old.
  6. Children’s Hospital of Orange County (2024). Developmental Milestones: Fine Motor Skills and Visual Motor Skills.
  7. Mayo Clinic (2022). Temper tantrums in toddlers: How to keep the peace.
  8. Nemours Health (2024). Well-Child Visit: 15 Months.

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