
Sleep Training

Everything you need to know about sleep training, from the methods to establishing a bedtime routine and helping your baby self soothe and get healthy sleep.

A mother kissing her sleeping baby.

Sleep training infants: How to, methods, and tips

A baby sleeping.

Can you sleep train newborns?: Sleep tips for newborns

A toddler sleeping.

Sleep training toddlers: How to, methods and tips

A baby reaching out to the camera.

Sleep training for 3 and 4 month olds: How to, methods, and tips

A 4 year old child sleeping.

Sleep training for 3-4 year olds: How to, methods and tips

A baby sleeping.

Sleep training for 18 month olds and older babies: How to, methods and tips

A father holding a sleeping baby.

Can you sleep train at 5 months? Sleep training tips for 5 month olds

Sleep training for 2 year olds: How to, methods and tips

A father holding a child.

Sleep training for 1 year olds and older babies: How to, methods and tips

A caregiver holding a baby.

Sleep training for 6 month olds and older babies: How to, methods and tips

Amber holds her second baby in a front carrier.

How sleep training gave me my life back

baby cry it out

Cry it out method (aka extinction method): Is it right for your baby?

A smiling baby standing in a crib wearing a yellow shirt.

Ferber Method for sleep training - What age to start?

Baby Sleeping In Parents Arms

How to know if it’s time to sleep train?

baby laying down awake in crib

The most common baby sleep training methods

Toddler girl sleeping in her bed

Sleep training: Frequently asked questions by parents

Infant baby sleeping

What is sleep training? What is the purpose of it?