
Ferber Method for sleep training - What age to start?

It’s no secret that exhausted parents seeking sleep solutions are faced with an overwhelming abundance of sleep training options to consider. One choice often at the top of the list is the “Ferber Method" (or "Ferberizing"). Proponents tout it as a quick fix for child sleep problems.

(Aunt Karen may claim it’s the only fix, but you can just nod and smile when she shares that unsolicited opinion.) Critics often object to the amount of crying that can be involved with this method of sleep training, but researchers [] have demonstrated benefits from graduated extinction methods like Ferber. We’ll break down the basics and give you our expert advice on this popular method.



Pediatric sleep issues are often caused by parent-led sleep associations [], like rocking/holding/feeding a child to sleep. The goal of sleep training is to teach a child to fall asleep on their own. The Ferber Method is a form of sleep training introduced by Richard Ferber, M.D. in his popular book, “.” 

Dr. Ferber recommends using a progressive waiting approach (also known as “controlled crying”) to teach self-soothing and solve sleep problems caused by parent-led sleep associations and interventions. In short, parents leave their child for increasingly longer intervals until they fall asleep on their own. 

Is this technique effective? Yes, it can be, when parents are committed and consistent. Is the approach a good fit for all families? Nope — it may not align with your parenting style. Since this method can involve a lot of overtiredness and crying in the beginning, families seeking a gentler way to improve sleep may prefer the gradual approaches we offer in our customized sleep plans. 

Dr. Ferber recommends parents begin sleep training when their infant is no younger than 3 - 4 months of age. He cautions against starting the program too early.

Practicing gentle methods like gradual withdrawal or pick-up-put-down for may be a good way to slowly begin. The appropriate age to sleep train would be after 4 months old. Newborns don’t sleep through the night, and we shouldn’t expect them to navigate night wakings on their own.

Huckleberry Tip

We’d add the caveat that babies younger than 6 months old aren’t always consistently able to sleep on their own. Since the circadian rhythm isn’t fully formed for the entire night until about 6 months of age, some babies will continue to need help from caregivers in order to fall back to sleep. If you decide to use this method, we recommend waiting until your child is at least 6 months old.

We’re not aware of any scientific studies supporting the assertion that the Ferber Method is harmful as of the writing of this article. Still, parents often wonder, "Is the Ferber Method safe?" and are curious about whether “Ferberizing” can harm children.

There are quite a few studies that point to the safety of sleep training techniques similar to the Ferber Method. A 2018 study about Infant Sleep Training [] found that sleep training with a controlled crying method improved sleep and parental depression with no adverse effects reported after 5 years.

Some experts point to elevated cortisol levels (the “stress” hormone) during periods of crying as evidence that controlled crying methods are harmful. However, it should be noted that cortisol levels are also elevated when a child becomes overtired. In general, it's well documented that sleep deprivation can be detrimental to the health and well-being of children and their parents.

You may be wondering if there's a "correct" age for the Ferber Method. It's not just for infants — toddlers and preschoolers may see sleep improvement from it. If your child is sleeping in their own bed, Dr. Ferber recommends using a gate in the doorway. This essentially turns the bedroom into one big crib. Be sure to childproof the room, including anchoring furniture to the walls, covering electrical outlets, and securing any window treatment cords out of reach.

Day Before 1st visit Before 2nd visitBefore 3rd visitBefore all subsequent visits
13 mins5 mins10 mins10 mins
25 mins10 mins12 mins12 mins
310 mins 12 mins 15 mins 15 mins
412 mins 15 mins 17 mins 17 mins
515 mins 17 mins 20 mins 20 mins
617 mins 20 mins 25 mins 25 mins
7 20 mins 25 mins 30 mins 30 mins

From “Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems,” by Richard Ferber, M.D.

After your child’s , place your child in their sleep space while they’re still awake. Follow the safe sleep guidelines outlined by the American Academy of Pediatrics [] — put your baby on their back on a firm sleep surface free of pillows, toys, and blankets — and then say “goodnight” and leave the room.

If your child cries or calls out for you at bedtime, you’ll wait for a period of time (see the Ferber Method chart) before you check in on them briefly. Visits should be about 1 - 2 minutes long. The purpose is to reassure your child, but not to stop the crying or help your child fall asleep. You’ll wait for increasingly longer intervals before each visit.

For example, on the first night, you’ll wait 3 minutes before your first visit. You’ll leave again and return in 5 minutes if your child continues to cry or call out. After the second brief visit, you’ll check in on them again after 10 minutes. If they continue to protest the change in routine, you’ll continue to visit every 10 minutes until they fall asleep (ideally when you’re not in the room). Each night you’ll continue to lengthen the intervals so that you’re waiting longer before checking on your child.

Each time your child wakes up in the middle of the night, you’ll start the process over again with the minimum waiting time. For instance, every time your child wakes during the night on the first night, you’ll start out by waiting 3 minutes before responding to cries. If needed, you’ll work up to 10 minutes in between visits thereafter.

Note that young babies may continue to wake for feedings and the Ferber method should be used primarily for non-feeding wakings (or once the night feeding is done and you've placed your baby back into the crib to fall back to sleep).

If your child takes in a significant amount of milk or formula at night, do not suddenly stop the feedings. The initial goal will be to eliminate any extra feedings (when the baby is only taking in a small amount of food such as during comfort nursing) and keep any substantial feedings.

Huckleberry Tip

Fully night weaning too early can lead to early waking. We often recommend maintaining 1 - 2 feedings until your child can comfortably sleep through the night without eating. Night weaning before your child is physically ready can also result in poor weight gain or other unintended health outcomes.

Continue these checks until 5:00 - 6:00 AM. At this time, it will be harder for your child to fall back to sleep on their own. Dr. Ferber advises getting your child up and starting your day while ensuring your child doesn’t fall back to sleep in another room.

Make sure you have coffee on hand for the next morning. The first couple of nights tends to be long and exhausting. By the third or fourth night, there’s typically a lot of improvement. If sleep isn’t significantly improving after a week, you’ll want to reconsider the cause of your child’s sleep issues. Since that can be tricky, consider reaching out for .

A Huckleberry word of warning:

Turning the lights on and having breakfast before 6:00 AM can start an early waking cycle that can be tricky to break out from. Consider waiting until at least 6:00 AM to start your day. Keeping lights off and delaying breakfast can preserve sleep mode and prevent early rising.

While the Ferber Sleep Method often produces quick results [], it's also helpful to be patient and understanding as your little one adjusts to the new routine and forms new independent sleep habits. Some bumps in the road are expected!

If you're assisting your child to sleep sometimes and not others, this can be confusing for them and often results in stalled progress. For this reason, be sure all caregivers are aligned with the new sleep plan as well. The aim is to keep moving forward, even if your child is having some setbacks at night.

Babies can be noisy sleepers! They may even cry out but still be asleep. While you may be anxiously looking at the video monitor and the clock ticking when you hear your child call out, it's normal for a child to need a few minutes [] to put themselves back to sleep.

If you try the Ferber Sleep Method and decide it isn't the right method for your family, that's OK too. You can always take a break for a few weeks and come back to it later. Or, there are plenty of other sleep training methods you can try if you wish to continue teaching your child independent sleep skills using a different approach.

  • There are a number of ways to create more of a gentle Ferber Method, depending on a family’s needs. For example, if the wait times feel too long, families can shorten the Ferber Method guide's intervals. Parents may decide to wait for 1, 3, and 5 minutes on the first night, for example.

  • To help make the process more manageable, families can work on bedtime only to start. After a few days they can progress to any remaining night wakings.

  • The technique can also be modified, as needed, depending on the child's sleep environment. If a child sleeps in a crib in their parent’s room, parents can speak to the child from their bed at the designated times, rather than leaving the room.

  • For families who bed-share, parents can stay still and unresponsive until the interval time is up.

  • Dr. Ferber recommends using the same strategy for day sleep. However, if a child is still awake and upset after 30 minutes, go ahead and end this nap period.

  • According to Dr. Ferber, it’s OK, initially, for your child to fall asleep later in another room as long as they do so without the help of the association from which you’re trying to break.

  • Day sleep should not increase beyond the recommended amounts [], as sleep schedule modifications and too much daytime sleep can interfere with nighttime sleep.

  • Likewise, don’t allow naps to run so late that they interfere with bedtime. You can review our sample sleep schedules by the month of your child's age for further guidance on recommended amounts of sleep.

Other techniques, like the ones we use at Huckleberry, include gentler methods. These gradual methods are designed to limit overtiredness and tears.

If the Ferber Sleep Method doesn't sound right for your child and your family's preferences, there are other to consider:

  • (aka gradual method): This is a gentle technique [] that involves slowly weaning away from helping your child fall asleep, usually over a few weeks or more. This method helps avoid tears as much as possible and is best for parents who aren't in a hurry to have their child sleep independently.

  • : This is another gentle method that may be best for younger infants. It involves placing your baby into the crib while drowsy but still awake. If they start to fuss, you'll wait a few minutes and then pick them up to console them. After a few minutes, you'll place your baby back in their crib. This process will be repeated until your child falls asleep in the crib. Over time, you'll increase the time you wait before picking them up and reduce the console time until they're able to fall asleep without help.

  • : This is another gradual approach to sleep training, but tends to work a little faster than fading. The gist: You'll place a chair next to your child's sleep space and provide physical and verbal reassurance occasionally, if needed. After that, you move your chair closer to the doorway over a few nights or up to a week. As the physical distance increases between you and your child, the amount of reassurance given will decrease. Ultimately, you'll remove the chair from the room and leave the room before your child falls asleep.

  • (aka cry-it-out method): This is a sleep training method that does not involve any check-ins once your child is put in their sleep space awake. This method is hotly debated and we recommend using a video monitor to ensure your child is safe throughout the night. This method should only be used when all of the child’s needs have been met — they've been fed, are dry, not in physical discomfort, and are developmentally able to fall asleep independently (typically at 6 months or older).

MethodCore principleProsConsBest for
Gradual methodSlow weaning away from parent-led sleep associationsEmphasizes minimal crying, fosters attachmentCan be a very slow process Parents who wish to avoid tears, don't mind a longer process
Pick up/put down methodIntroduction to sleep trainingGood for teaching independent sleep habits early onRequires a time investment from parentsParents preferring minimal crying
Chair methodMidpoint methodReduced tearsChallenging if your child sleeps in a bed instead of a cribParents looking for a gentle approach but prefer to make slightly faster progress
Ferber MethodControlled cryingStructured approach, effective for manyInitial distress for some childrenParents seeking a structured approach
Cry it out or total extinctionUninterrupted self-soothingQuick results for some, clear boundariesPossible emotional distress for children and parentsParents prioritizing quick results
  • The Ferber Sleep Method, with its structured approach to teaching self-soothing, remains a popular choice. While it can be highly effective for some families, it's not a one-size-fits-all solution.

  • It's crucial to consider your child’s age (and adjusted age if born early) [], temperament, and the family’s comfort level with the crying involved in this method.

  • For those who find the Ferber Method scheduled check-ins too intense, gentler alternatives are available and can be equally successful in establishing healthy sleep patterns and habits. Ultimately, the best sleep training method is one that aligns with your parenting style and meets your child’s needs.

  • Remember, patience and consistency are key, and it’s okay to seek expert advice if you encounter challenges along the way. Sleep training is a journey, and finding the right path can lead to better sleep for the entire family.

Ferber Sleep Training Method FAQs

Q: How can you tell if a baby is really hungry when using the Ferber Method?


 Many babies will still need to maintain feedings while sleep training. Sleep training can help reduce night wakings caused by sleep associations. However, children tend to be more persistent in their cries if they’re really hungry. If you’ve attempted to cut out a night feeding for a week and your child continues to cry for long periods, this can be an indication that your child is hungry and still needs this night feeding. This is especially true for children who have already mastered the skill of falling asleep on their own.

Q: How long does the Ferber Method take?


 When parents are consistent in applying the Ferber Method, and a child is physiologically able to fall asleep (and back to sleep) on their own, most families see significant progress by the third or fourth day.

Q: How long does it take for a baby to self-soothe with the Ferber Method?


 How quickly a baby will fall asleep on their own depends on several factors, including: the age of the child, their individual temperament, and whether they are well rested or overtired. Some children fall asleep within the first few checks. Others can take hours to fall asleep in the beginning.

Q: What are the alternatives to the Ferber Method?


 There are many ways to help a child learn to fall asleep on their own. The Ferber Method, which uses a form of graduated extinction, is just one way. There’s also full extinction, otherwise known as “cry it out,” where the parent leaves the child for the full night without any checks for reassurance.

Q: What to do during the Ferber Method when baby wakes up?


If your child cries or calls out for you at bedtime, you’ll wait for a period of time (see the Ferber Method chart) before you check in on them briefly. Each time your child wakes during the night, you’ll start the process over again with the minimum waiting time.

Q: How many check-ins are typically involved in the Ferber Method?


The number of check-ins involved in the Ferber Method depends on how long it takes your child to independently fall asleep. When you begin this sleep training method, the interval between the first three check-ins will lengthen each night if your child cries out or calls for you when you leave. After the third check-in in a given night, you'll repeat the last interval until your child is asleep.

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Note: The content on this site is for informational purposes only and should not replace medical advice from your doctor, pediatrician, or medical professional. If you have questions or concerns, you should contact a medical professional.

8 Sources


  1. Korownyk, C., & Lindblad, A. J. (2018). Infant sleep training: rest easy?. Canadian family physician Medecin de famille canadien, 64(1), 41.
  2. American Academy of Pediatrics (2022). How to Keep Your Sleeping Baby Safe: AAP Policy Explained.
  3. U Chicago Medicine. (2023). A parent’s guide to sleep training infants and toddlers.
  4. American Academy of Pediatrics. (2024). Getting your baby to sleep.
  5. American Academy of Pediatrics. (2020). Healthy Sleep Habits: How Many Hours Does Your Child Need?

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