
Newborn feeding schedule (From birth to 2 weeks): Amounts, food chart and more

When you bring your new baby home, there are lots of changes to adjust to, and it can be a bit overwhelming as you learn new routines and set up schedules. One important thing to know is that the feeding schedule for a newborn can change quite a bit and might take some time to settle into a consistent pattern.

How you choose to feed your baby, whether it's through nursing or using formula, will influence the feeding schedule. Additionally, every baby has their own unique needs. It's recommended that you only give your baby breastmilk or formula during this time and avoid offering any other foods or drinks.

In the first two weeks, it's common for babies to engage in cluster feeding, which means they might nurse frequently and take in small amounts of milk each time. This can even happen during the night, with feedings occurring every two hours. Some caregivers choose to feed their baby whenever they show signs of hunger (feeding on demand), while others may wake the baby at regular intervals to ensure they're getting enough nourishment.

Remember, every baby is different, and it's normal for the feeding schedule to change frequently during this early stage. With time, you'll become more familiar with your baby's needs and develop a routine that works best for both of you.


The recommended feeding schedule for a newborn is usually every 2 to 3 hours. That means you'll be a pro at feeding your little bundle of joy about 8 to 12 times a day. Your baby won’t figure out this whole "sleeping through the night" thing until they’re older, so those nighttime feedings are totally on the menu. You can think of it as your little one's way of saying, "Hey, I need some midnight snacks too!"

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) [], cluster feeds and frequent feedings can actually boost the health of your infant. This type of feeding is often associated with growth spurts in infants. When your baby engages in cluster feeding, they tend to consume larger quantities of milk and do so more frequently, especially during the evening hours.

The AAP recommends [] feeding your newborn baby on demand. This means feeding your baby when you see signs of hunger: (1) Fists moving to mouth (2) Head turning to look for the breast (3) Becoming more alert and active (4) Sucking on hands or lip smacking (5) Opening and closing mouth.

The majority of newborns feed every 2 to 3 hours, amounting to a total of 8 to 12 feedings within a 24-hour period. Initially, infants might consume as little as half an ounce per feeding (both formula [] and breastfed infants) during the first day or two after birth. However, after this initial period, they typically consume 1 to 2 ounces of milk at each feeding (both formula and breastfed infants). By the time they reach 2 weeks of age [], the quantity usually increases to 2 to 3 ounces per feeding.

AgeAverage breastfeeding patternsAverage formula feeding patterns
0 - 6 DaysOn-demand; At least 8 - 12 feedings in 24 hoursOn demand; May look like 1 - 2 ounces 8 times each day
1 WeekOn demand; Cluster feeding is likely; At least 8 - 12 feedings every 24 hoursOn demand; May look like 1.5 - 3 ounces 8 times in 24 hours
2 WeeksOn demand; Cluster feeding is likely; At least 8 - 12 feedings every 24 hoursOn demand; May look like 2 - 3 ounces 8 times in 24 hours


Breastfeed your newborn to 2 week old baby when they show signs of hunger — typically 8 - 12 times during a 24 hour period. Note that breastfed babies typically need smaller, more frequent feedings than their formula-fed counterparts.

As a general guideline, it is recommended that your baby consumes approximately 2½ ounces (75 mL) of infant formula per pound (453 g) of body weight on an average day. This may look like 1.5 oz to 3 oz for each feeding, 8 feeds per 24 hr period.

Infants in this age range should not have other liquids or any foods.

Let's talk about your baby's feeding adventure and tips to keep everything running smoothly and help your baby feed.

Get ready to join the "every 2 to 3-hour club." Your baby might demand their mealtime rendezvous quite frequently.

If you're nursing or using a pump, make sure to do it often to help build your milk supply. In fact, if you’re breastfeeding, pumping after each feeding can be a secret weapon for milk production.

Your little bundle of joy might surprise you with a series of shorter feeds, one after another. Don't panic, it's totally normal! Think of it as a baby buffet, where they're getting all the goodies they need to grow and thrive.

Make sure to keep your own water within reach when you sit down for a feeding session. And if you are breastfeeding, don't forget to stay hydrated like a pro athlete. Guzzle that water to keep that breast milk flowing.

Let's not forget about the superhero in this story — you! You need all the energy and health you can get to keep up with your amazing caregiving skills. So, chow down on frequent meals and choose healthy foods whenever possible.

Keep snacks nearby that you can eat with one hand: granola bars, string cheese, precut fruit, and veggies.

It’s normal to worry about whether your baby is getting enough to eat. Typically, once your baby reaches the age of five days and older, you should observe a higher frequency of wet diapers, usually totaling six or more within a 24-hour period. Check with your medical provider if you’re seeing fewer wet diapers or have concerns that your baby isn’t getting enough to eat.

Night feeding is normal and your little one will wake up frequently during the night in these initial weeks. Infants and babies will wake to feed often during the first few months, and at 2 weeks old will require regular feeds each night to keep their energy levels up and hydrated.

Babies shouldn’t drink water or any other hydration sources at this age so it is key to feed frequently to avoid hunger, dehydration, and encourage comfortable sleep. At this age, breastmilk and formula contain all the hydration your baby needs.

It's important to understand your newborn's feeding routine. From birth up to 2 weeks old, babies will eat frequently, gradually increasing their intake. Although feeding patterns will change as they grow, during this early stage, most babies need breastmilk or formula every 2 to 3 hours, even at night.

Some newborns may engage in cluster feeding, which means they have shorter and more frequent feedings. This is completely normal and can actually help stimulate your milk supply if you're breastfeeding. Formula-fed babies will also require frequent feedings, including during the nighttime.

If you experience any discomfort while breastfeeding, it's essential to reach out to your medical provider or a Lactation Consultant for guidance and support.

Remember, every baby is unique, and their feeding needs may vary. The key is to provide nourishment regularly to ensure they stay hydrated, satisfied, and growing healthily. You're doing an amazing job, and with time, you'll become more familiar with your baby's feeding patterns.

If you're curious about what lies ahead when it comes to feeding, get a glimpse at a here.

From birth to 2 weeks old feeding schedule FAQ

Q: How often should a newborn to 2 weeks old eat?


Newborns up to 2 weeks old should eat at least 8 times each day, and this should be spread out across the day. Expect to feed your little one at least every 2 to 3 hours at all times of the day. Most pediatricians recommend waking your newborn to feed during the night, however, please contact your doctor for more guidance on exact waking times overnight.

Q: How long between feeds can a newborn to 2 weeks old go?


A newborn to 2 week old infant can go for 2 hours between feeds, and in some cases 3 hours. As they begin to consume larger amounts, they will be able to go longer between feedings.

Q: Can you drop night feeds at birth to 2 weeks?


No, you should not drop the night feeds for newborns or 2 week old infants.

Q: What is a newborn to 2 weeks nursing strike?


The Mayo Clinic [4] describes a nursing strike as an occurrence when a baby refuses to nurse. These can happen for a few different reasons, one being the supply of milk, another may be normal growth and development, but in others, it may be a sign they are not getting enough milk from nursing. Additionally, If a baby finds bottle feeding (either pumped breastmilk or formula) to be faster and easier than nursing they may refuse to nurse. This refusal to nurse is called a nursing strike and can be solved by continuing to offer time to nurse before offering a bottle each time.

Q: Are 4 feeds a day enough for a newborn to 2 weeks old?


Four feeds in 24 hours are not enough for a newborn to 2 week old baby. They should eat at least 8 times within that time frame. Frequent feedings will keep the baby full and healthy, provide all health benefits including preventing or treating jaundice, and maintains the milk supply for breastfed babies.

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Note: The content on this site is for informational purposes only and should not replace medical advice from your doctor, pediatrician, or medical professional. If you have questions or concerns, you should contact a medical professional.

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