
1 month / 4 week old sleep schedule: Bedtime and nap schedules

Sleep can be pretty chaotic during the newborn period, as babies won’t start following a typical 24-hour cycle for sleeping and eating until they reach 3 - 4 months of age. While we don’t expect any regularity in terms of a schedule at this age, we’ve got all you need to know about your 1 month old and sleep patterns.

[Note: At Huckleberry, we do consider 4, 5, 6, and 7 week olds as 1 month olds.]


At this age, we hope to see about 15.5 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period. Sleep ranges vary throughout childhood, and you shouldn’t go by the number of hours slept alone. You’ll want to monitor your child’s mood in addition to viewing the recommended hours as a general guide.

Most babies are able to comfortably stay awake for only 30 - 90 minutes, so expect lots of daytime sleep. It’s very common to feel like all you’re doing is changing diapers and feeding your baby before it’s time for them to sleep again!

[Note: for children who were born early, we go by their adjusted age for sleep development.]

Here's a quick overview of what you may expect when it comes to 1 month olds and sleep. Note that these figures are averages and should be used as guidelines.

Average total sleep15.5 hours
Number of napsVaries
Goal daytime sleepVaries
Wake windows30 - 90 mins

Many families find it helpful to follow an “eat, play, sleep” routine in the early months. This means that you feed your baby when they wake and then follow it up with an activity period before it's time to sleep again. Don’t worry if your “play” period is only long enough for a diaper change and some eye contact before they’re ready for sleep again.

A word of caution: Be sure to reevaluate as your baby gets older. While this routine works well for newborns, it can sometimes lead to short naps by 3 - 5 months old. As wake windows lengthen, feeding times often need to be adjusted so that your baby doesn't wake early from a nap due to hunger.

Nap “schedules” and durations vary quite a bit in the beginning. We won’t expect much regularity with their sleep schedule until after they reach 3 - 4 months old.

At 1 month, your little one's "schedule" will likely still be unpredictable. Sleep times and durations will vary and this is normal! Here's what a day in the life of a 1 month old newborn may look like:

Sample newborn sleep schedule
1 Month Old Baby Nap Schedule

Expect your baby’s nap lengths to be unpredictable at this age. Since , your baby may nap for 10 minutes or 2 hours. The important thing to remember is that your baby will usually need to drift off after a wake period of 30 - 90 minutes.

Since in the first month of life, it can be difficult to determine what constitutes a nap and what constitutes nighttime sleep. We don’t recommend trying to follow a specific baby sleep schedule at this age. Newborn sleep tends to be without a pattern, meaning you’re likely to see both short and long periods of sleep punctuated by frequent wakings for nourishment and comfort.

Here’s a sample of what your 1 month old’s day may look like. However, don’t be concerned if your day looks quite different. Your newborn will spend most of their time in light sleep; we can’t control or predict when deep sleep will happen or how long naps will be until they’re older.

Your baby may have a very late bedtime at this age. Since a newborn’s schedule is irregular at this stage of development, don’t be surprised if the longest stretch of sleep starts at 10:00 PM or even much later. A 1 month old’s sleep schedule will often be on the later side. However, by 3 - 4 months of age, most babies will be ready for an earlier bedtime.

If you're curious about what lies ahead in the coming month (and even for the year ahead!), glimpse into the future to see what you might experience when it comes to a . Also brush up on what you should know about .

1 month old baby sleep FAQ

Q: Can a 1 month old baby sleep through the night?


We don’t expect babies to sleep continuously throughout the night at this age. Your baby needs to wake during the night for feedings and comfort. Check with your pediatrician or lactation consultant to determine how many nighttime feedings you can expect for your child’s individual needs.

Q: How often do 1 month old babies sleep?


1 month olds need to sleep quite often; aim to give your baby the opportunity to sleep after about 30 - 90 minutes of wakefulness. Look for sleepy cues to help determine when your newborn will be ready to sleep. When your baby starts looking away from you, getting a glazed-far away look in their eye, or rubbing/putting their forehead on you, there’s a good chance they’re ready for a little snooze. Ideally, you’ll give your baby a chance to sleep before they reach the overtired stage, which makes it harder for them to fall asleep.

Q: How much nighttime sleep is appropriate for a 1 month old?


At this age, it’s common for newborns to be in their nighttime sleep space for 9 - 12 hours at night, waking multiple times for feedings and comfort.

Q: How much awake time is best for a 1 month old?


Your baby will likely have awake times of 30 - 90 minutes in between sleep periods. Awake windows tend to be shorter in the morning and get longer as the day progresses. Expect your baby to be awake for a longer stretch (but ideally not more than 90 minutes) before bedtime.

Q: How much daytime sleep should be expected for a 1 month old?


Your baby’s daytime sleep is unpredictable at this age. It’s common to see 5 - 6 hours of sleep over the course of many naps. However, we’ll want to pay more attention to overall sleep during a 24-hour period (ideally at least 15.5 hours) since the circadian rhythm is disorganized at this age.

Q: My 1 month old sleeps more during the day than at night. How can I resolve day/night reversal?


It’s common to see day/night confusion in the first few weeks of life, in addition to very late bedtimes. It usually resolves by 8 weeks of age. Be sure to keep it bright and noisy during the day and dark and quiet at night to help your baby sort out their day/night confusion.

Q: When do I have to worry about sleep regressions?


Your baby’s development and growth will lead to nap transitions and the maturation of sleep cycles that often impact sleep around 3 - 4 months old. The resulting change in sleep habits is often referred to as the “4 month sleep regression.”

6 week old sleep schedule FAQ

Q: How is a 6 week old sleep schedule different from a 4 week old sleep schedule?


They’re pretty much the same. Sleep won’t be predictable for some time due to an immature circadian sleep-wake system. You can expect wake windows of 30 - 90 minutes long until your baby is 8 weeks old.

Q: What time should a 6 week old go to bed?


Don’t worry about following a strict schedule with your newborn. Your 6 week old infant isn’t ready for a set bedtime yet, and won’t have a biological day/night rhythm established until about 8 weeks of age. That said, at Huckleberry, we find that most babies this age have their longest period of night sleep starting around 9:00 - 10:00 PM or later.

Q: How long should my 6 week old be awake?


The ideal 6 week old wake window remains the same for babies under 8 weeks of age: between 30 - 90 minutes long. You can continue to expect these relatively short wake periods until 2 months of age. At that point, their wake windows may lengthen to 45 minutes - 1.75 hours before needing to sleep again.

Q: How long should a 6 week old baby sleep at night?


Sleep tends to be fairly evenly distributed between night and day and the total amount of newborn sleep over a 24-hr period can vary quite a bit. While it’s common for babies this age to spend 9 - 12 hours in their sleep space at night, babies will wake throughout the night for feedings and comfort. According to Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep, A: Diagnosis and Management of Sleep Problems (Mindell & Owens, 2015), newborns average 8.5 hours of actual night sleep.

Q: Should a 6 week old be on a schedule?


No, we don’t recommend a fixed schedule for newborns. Sleep at this age is largely controlled by hunger and wake windows, rather than circadian rhythms. Parents craving more predictability may find it more helpful to follow a routine, such as “eat, play, sleep.”

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Note: The content on this site is for informational purposes only and should not replace medical advice from your doctor, pediatrician, or medical professional. If you have questions or concerns, you should contact a medical professional.

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