7 - 8 month old baby feeding schedule: Amounts, food chart, formula, breastmilk

Updated Dec 03, 2024
Feeding your baby at 7 - 8 months may feel like a full-time job! Between nursing sessions or bottles and solid food meals, feeding does take a good portion of the day. But at this age, they are exploring more and more with solid foods and really getting all the good stuff they . Keep reading for all you need to know about feeding your 7 - 8 month old baby.
7 to 8 month old baby sample feeding schedule
The sample schedule below can help guide you in planning your baby’s feeding schedule. Every baby’s needs are different and may shift over the course of 7 to 8 months. Always do what’s best for your baby and your family!
7:00 AM | Nurse or bottle (wake up) |
10:30/11:00 AM | Nurse or bottle |
11:00/11:30 AM | Solid meal |
2:00/2:30 PM | Nurse or bottle |
5:30 PM | Nurse or bottle |
7:00/7:30 PM | Nurse or bottle (before bed) |
How much to feed a 7 to 8 month old: Food chart
7 to 8 month old babies will continue to get the majority of their nutrition through breast milk and/or formula and are generally exploring solid food more and more. A typical day may include one or two solid food meals in addition to breast milk or bottles. Both and solid foods are appropriate for this age group. It’s common for families to offer a combination of purees and finger foods rather than strictly adhere to just one style of feeding.
Most babies will have about 4 to 5 breast milk or formula feeds a day, equaling roughly 28 - 34 ounces a day [].
7 - 8 month feeding chart example for baby-led weaning
Wake-up: | Breast milk or formula |
Breakfast: | Oatmeal with a small amount of mixed-in peanut butter, smashed raspberries |
Mid-morning: | Breast milk or formula |
Lunch: | Breast milk or formula |
Mid-afternoon: | Breast milk or formula |
Dinner: | Steak strips, avocado strips, steamed apple slices |
Before bed: | Breast milk or formula |

7 - 8 month feeding chart example for purees
Wake-up: | Breast milk or formula |
Breakfast: | Blueberry oatmeal puree, sweet potato or banana puree |
Mid-morning: | Breast milk or formula |
Lunch: | Breast milk or formula |
Mid-afternoon: | Breast milk or formula |
Dinner: | Black bean, avocado, or banana puree |
Before bed: | Breast milk or formula |

5 tips for feeding your 7 to 8 month old baby
Tip #1: Create space for mealtime
Setting up a space to dedicate to your baby’s mealtimes will set you up for success! Place their highchair at or near the family table and gather all supplies needed (cups, utensils, etc.) in one spot. Being organized may make mealtime feel easier.
Tip #2: Explore flavors and textures
Babies at this age really are more open to exploring a wide variety of flavors and textures. So, as much as you are able, introduce them to new foods and foods prepared in different ways. Allow them to explore foods with their hands and remember they may not “like” a food the first time or two they try it.
Tip #3: Feed formula and breast milk take priority
Formula and breast milk are still the main sources of nutrition for your baby even though they are beginning to eat more solid foods. Continue to feed formula and breast milk first to ensure your baby is meeting their nutritional needs. Try to time solid meals at least 30 to 60 minutes after a liquid feed to optimize your baby’s hunger.
Tip #4: Enjoy eating together
Start the habit of eating together early! Your baby will learn a lot by watching you eat, including table manners and how to eat with utensils. They will also want to eat what you're eating so it’s the perfect time to model healthy eating habits. Do your best to eliminate distractions (turn off the TV, put away phones and toys) to help your baby focus on learning to eat.
Tip #5: It’s okay to be messy
Feeding a baby tends to get messy — sometimes really messy! It can be hard to embrace the mess, who wants one more thing to clean? But exploring food with their hands is one way babies learn. If you let your little one get messy when feeding, they are more likely to try foods and are less likely to have feeding challenges as they get older.
Night feedings at 7 to 8 month olds
At 7 to 8 months of age, many babies can sleep for long stretches at night, especially if they’ve developed strong self-soothing skills and are eating enough calories throughout the day. However, some babies sleep better with a night feeding, typically a dream feed or an early morning feed around 3:00 - 5:00 AM. There’s no need to wake your baby to feed at this age unless you’ve been told otherwise by your pediatrician.
Takeaway: Feeding 7 to 8 month olds
By now, we hope you’re feeling confident when it comes to feeding your 7 - 8 month old baby! It’s certainly an exciting time, but like all things parenting, it can test your patience and feel challenging now and again. Do your best to follow your baby’s hunger and fullness cues and keep exposing them to as many solid foods as possible. Above all, take a deep breath and have fun!
If you’re curious about what lies ahead when it comes to feeding, check out the . Take a look back at how far you’ve come by revisiting a .
7 to 8 month old feeding schedule FAQ
Q: How often should a 7 - 8 month old eat?
Most 7 - 8 month olds eat every 3 to 4 hours. Babies who nurse may eat more often or have periods where they nurse frequently. If your baby is eating solid foods in between feedings they may go longer before they need their next liquid feeding.Q: Can you drop night feeds at 7 - 8 months?
It is possible to drop night feeds at 7 - 8 months old. To do so, make sure your baby is eating enough during the day. It’s worth noting, many babies at this age sleep better with a late-night or early-morning feed.Q: Why is my 7 - 8 month old eating less than usual?
There are a few reasons your 7 - 8 month old may be eating less than usual. The first one is that they are simply less hungry! Babies’ appetites can vary over the course of a week. Other reasons may include illness or teething.Q: What is a 7 - 8 month nursing strike?
Nursing strikes occur when a baby who’s been breastfeeding well suddenly refuses to nurse. They often indicate something is off — illness, teething, or low milk supply. A nursing strike usually self-resolves once the cause is resolved.Q: Is 30 oz too much for a 7 - 8 month old?
No, 30 oz of breast milk or formula is not too much for a 7 - 8 month old. At this age, babies will usually eat around 28 - 34 ounces a day. However, every baby has unique feeding needs and those needs may fluctuate day to day or week to week.Q: Is 4 feeds a day enough for a 7 - 8 month old?
Four feeds may be enough for a 7 - 8 month old. Typically, at this age, babies will eat 4 to 5 feedings of breast milk or formula a day. Additionally, they will eat 1 to 2 solid meals a day.Share article:
Note: The content on this site is for informational purposes only and should not replace medical advice from your doctor, pediatrician, or medical professional. If you have questions or concerns, you should contact a medical professional.