
When do babies coo for the first time?

Baby coos are the cutest! If your little one is approaching the 2-month mark, you may get your first “ahh” or “oohs” soon. Babies tend to make these vowel sounds beginning at around 8 weeks. Once they start, you may find that your phone is filled with snippets of these sweet sounds. Who could blame you? 

In this article, we’ll walk you through what cooing means, give you tips for encouraging these adorable noises, and let you know what milestones you might expect next from your child. 


When do babies start cooing?

Why do babies coo?

Ways to encourage baby cooing?

Baby not cooing: What to do

Cooing unlocked: What's the next step?


Baby cooing: FAQs

Editor’s Note:

When we discuss babies and development at Huckleberry, we use their adjusted age (vs. actual age). It’s expected that infants will reach physical milestones at different times — there’s a wide range of normal when it comes to how fast little ones grow and develop. However, you know your baby best. If you have any concerns or questions about your child’s development, reach out to their pediatrician.

Parents often want to know when babies find their “voice.” Your baby may begin cooing and repeating some vowel sounds (like “ah-ah-ah” or “ooh-ooh-ooh”) at around two months [1]. Coos are often followed by different noises closer to three months [2], like squeals, growls, and even blowing raspberries! Then, by closer to four months [1], they will likely become routinely babble sounds like “bah-bah” or “muh-muh.” 

At first, newborns use crying as their main form of communication. You may even learn to differentiate between their cries (hunger vs tiredness etc.). After that, at around 2 months old, children typically begin to vocalize with different sounds, called cooing. Along with smiles, these sweet noises give babies the ability to “talk” to you and express contentment [3] too.  

The cooing stage is also when your baby begins to develop control of the muscles needed for talking [4]. First words are still a long way off, but the wheels are already in motion at this age! 

Mimicking your baby’s noises once they start cooing is a great bonding activity [5]. Your little one’s sweet sounds, especially when directed at you, are just the thing to make you feel all warm and fuzzy. 

Your baby loves to hear your voice [6]! Even though they won’t understand the words you’re saying just yet, they’re comforted by your closeness and the sound of your voice. Try talking, reading, and singing to your little one as much as possible to encourage them to communicate back to you. This could look like reading a book before bedtime and also simply narrating the things you’re doing throughout the day — try not to overthink it!   

When your child coos, coo back to them and then wait for an answer! These early “conversations” let your little one know that their communication is important and effective. They can also encourage your infant to continue to develop [7] these skills and teach them about the tone and pacing of talking to someone else. 

It’s great to interact with your infant as much as possible, but it’s also important to try to recognize when they may need a break. Young babies can easily become overstimulated — everything is so new to them! If your child turns away or becomes fussy or irritable, try letting them rest or simply snuggle for a bit instead. 

There’s a wide range of normal when it comes to baby communication milestones. If your little one isn’t cooing yet at around 2 months, that’s OK! Some infants master skills early and some learn them later. However, you know your baby best — trust your intuition. If you have concerns about their development at this age, reach out to their doctor. 

From 1 - 3 months old, infants will likely react to loud sounds, make noises other than crying, and smile when you talk to them or smile at them. If your child is not doing these things [6] by around 4 months, consider letting their doctor know. 

Cooing is usually followed by your little one starting to make more noises. Around 3 months [2], they may make squeaks, growl, and begin to blow raspberries!

After that, between 4 - 6 months [7], your child may begin to use consonant sounds in babbling (“dadada”) and make different kinds of sounds to express feelings. At this age, infants tend to use babbling to get your attention too. How cool is that? They may listen and respond when spoken to as well, and notice when they hear other sounds (from toys, etc.).  

  • Babies tend to begin cooing around 2 months of age. After that, at around 3 months, little ones may make sounds that are more like squeaks and growls and can even learn to blow raspberries. 

  • Cooing is an early form of baby communication that helps lay the foundation for future speech and language development. It’s also a new way for young babies to express their mood, whereas previously crying served as their main form of communication. Cooing is also an activity that can promote bonding with your baby. These early “conversations” are adorable! 

  • To help your baby start cooing, be sure to interact with them as much as possible. This can look like talking, reading, and singing to them as well as being sure to respond to the noises they make to engage with them. Mimicking their coos and other noises lets them know their communication is important and effective. Just be sure to pay attention to your child’s cues — babies at 2 - 3 months can be easily overstimulated. If they’re showing signs of needing a break (like turning their head or getting fussy), give them a break for a bit. 

Baby cooing: FAQs

Q: At what age do babies typically start cooing?


Babies generally start cooing at around 2 months old. However, there’s a wide range of normal when it comes to child development, and not all little ones will meet this milestone at the same time. If you do have concerns about your baby’s communication skills, reach out to their doctor for advice.

Q: What are the developmental stages of a baby's cooing?


Babies tend to begin smiling then coos come after that. Around 3 months, children often begin making other types of noises, like squeaks and growls. They may even blow raspberries! Around 4 - 6 months, children typically begin to babble consonant sounds (such as “dadada”) and use this new skill to express their feelings and get your attention.

Q: How does cooing contribute to a baby's development?


Cooing is an important part of a child’s communication development. It allows them to express contentment and also helps your baby begin to develop control of the muscles needed for talking later.

Q: Are there signs that indicate my baby is ready to start cooing?


After a baby has mastered smiling, cooing often comes next [3]. If your baby has started flashing those cute little gums, you may expect them to begin making vowel sounds soon after, around 2 months.

Q: Are there differences in cooing development between boys and girls?


All babies reach milestones at different times, as there’s a wide range of normal when it comes to child development. Instead of gender, studies have shown [8] that factors like low birth weight and prematurity may have an impact on when a child reaches various milestones.

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Note: The content on this site is for informational purposes only and should not replace medical advice from your doctor, pediatrician, or medical professional. If you have questions or concerns, you should contact a medical professional.

8 Sources


  1. Pathways (2024). When Will My Baby Smile?
  2. Nemours Health (2024). Bonding With Your Baby.
  3. Nemours Health (2024). Communication and Your 1- to 3-Month-Old.
  4. Zero to Three (2024). How to Support Your Child’s Communication Skills.
  5. Boonzaaijer, M., et al (2021). Factors associated with gross motor development from birth to independent walking: A systematic review of longitudinal research.

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