
25 month old sleep schedule: Bedtime and nap schedule

Now that your child is 2, you may be searching for information on the dreaded “” and anticipating that your toddler’s normal sleep habits will go out the window any second now. Luckily, you can be assured that sleep regressions don’t happen to all children at prescribed ages, contrary to popular belief. However, we do tend to see periods of bumpy sleep at this age due to various factors.    

In this article, we’ll provide you with the lowdown on toddler sleep regressions, give you tips for navigating naptime, and provide answers to frequently asked questions about toddler sleep. 

Editor’s Note:

The recommendations listed below represent the average amount of sleep typically needed at this age. However, please note there is a range of normal as some children have lower or higher sleep needs. Your child’s schedule may vary, and that is normal.


At 2, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends 11 - 14 hours [] of total sleep per day. This typically looks like 10 - 11 hours of overnight sleep and around 1.5 - 2.5 hours of daytime sleep during one midday nap. Note that some toddlers may need more or less sleep than others — and that’s OK!

Here's a quick overview of what you may expect when it comes to 25 month olds and sleep. Note that these figures are averages and should be used as guidelines.

Average total sleep12 hours
Number of naps 1
Goal daytime sleep 1.5 - 2.5 hours
Wake windows5.5 - 6 hours

If your 25 month old is stalling or having tantrums at bedtime, rest assured that these are frustrating yet common toddler behaviors. It’s developmentally appropriate [] for children to push boundaries at 2! We often see this when little ones are tired at bedtime. Instead of embracing sleep, they may resist it by doing things like melting down or requesting more snacks. 

If your child is in a phase of bedtime battles, we recommend evaluating if your child needs more time to wind down before sleeping. Children at 2 may need a longer bedtime routine (~45 minutes) in dim lighting to fall asleep more easily. You could start this elongated routine a little earlier than normal or push bedtime a bit later if that’s preferable. A later bedtime may help if your child typically doesn’t seem tired at their usual sleep time.  

Another tactic that may help bedtime struggles is giving your little one a sense of control by offering age-appropriate choices. This may look like letting your child pick between two pairs of pajamas or giving them the choice of which book to read before getting into bed. 

Children tend to sleep better on a full tummy. At this age, we commonly see toddlers waking early due to hunger — both from naps and early in the morning. It can be especially difficult for 2 year olds to go 12+ hours without eating between dinner and breakfast time. Offering lunch before your child’s nap may be helpful during the day. Shifting dinner a little later or offering a pre-bed snack in the evenings may also be beneficial.  

Morning rise7:00 AM
Nap12:30 PM - 2:30 PM (2 hour nap); 5.5 hours of awake time before nap
Get ready for bed7:45 PM
Asleep8:30 PM; 6 hours of awake time before bedtime

Note: Sleep needs vary by child, and this chart should be viewed as an example.

Children at 25 months typically nap once a day. At 2, children commonly need around 5.5 hours of awake time in the morning before their nap. However, toddlers may go through periods of resisting sleep or skipping naps. If this is the case, we recommend continuing to offer a daily nap. Typically children aren’t quite ready to completely at this age. You may consider experimenting with how long they’re awake in the morning before their nap too. Sometimes a longer morning wake window can help a 2 year old fall asleep more easily at naptime. 

At 2, toddlers usually nap around 1.5 - 2.5 hours during their one midday nap. However, some children may have higher or lower sleep needs and that’s OK too! 

Typically children at 25 months are on a . Most children need around 5.5 - 6 hours of morning awake time before they’re ready to nap. If you find your child is resisting daytime sleep, consider moving naptime a little later to see if this helps them fall asleep more easily.  

Morning rise7:00 AM
Nap12:30 PM - 2:30 PM (2 hour nap); 5.5 hours of awake time before nap
Get ready for bed7:45 PM
Asleep8:30 PM; 6 hours of awake time before bedtime

Note: Sleep needs vary by child and this chart should be viewed as an example.

If your child regularly takes a shorter nap, we’d expect bedtime to be earlier than their peers taking longer naps. If your toddler skips a nap, we recommend moving bedtime earlier to avoid overtiredness. Overtired children typically have a harder time falling asleep and staying asleep.  

Morning rise6:30 AM
Nap12:00 PM - 1:30 PM (1.5 hour nap); 5.5 hours of awake time before nap
Get ready for bed6:45 PM
Asleep7:30 PM; 6 hours of awake time before bedtime

Note: Sleep needs vary by child and this chart should be viewed as an example.

If your child had been sleeping well then seemingly out of nowhere experienced new sleep challenges (like trouble falling asleep and/or experiencing frequent night wakes), we’d consider this a sleep regression. Not all children will go through a, though toddlers tend to have phases of poor sleep due to factors like developmental milestones (), big changes at home (), and

Some developmental regressions (like ) may improve on their own after a week or two. However, if a child receives new help to fall asleep during a regression, they may begin to rely on this support and protest if they don’t receive it. New sleep onset associations may impact sleep for a prolonged period. 

If you’d like more support when it comes to toddler sleep, with our sleep experts can put together a personalized plan that’s tailored to your child and your family’s preferences. 

We suggest aiming for a consistent bedtime at 25 months that allows for at least 10 - 11 hours of sleep at night on most days. A regular bedtime helps regulate the body’s internal clock, which can lead to more restful sleep. 

Children often do best with around 6 hours of awake time after their nap before bedtime. This means if your little one typically wakes at 6:30 AM, we suggest targeting a bedtime between 7:30 and 8:30 PM. When evaluating if your child is getting enough rest, it can be helpful to look at their overall mood and energy levels, as well as the number of hours they’re sleeping each day. 

  • Most children will sleep around 11 - 14 hours per day at 25 months. This typically means around 10 - 11 hours of overnight sleep and one daily nap lasting around 1.5 - 2.5 hours. 

  • Toddlers often take one midday nap at this age, though daytime sleep challenges may lead to short or skipped naps. We recommend continuing to offer a nap even during periods of bumpy sleep. Most children aren’t ready to completely give up daytime sleep at 25 months. 

  • A consistent bedtime that allows for around 6 hours of wake time after your little one’s nap can help them get the rest they need. However, keep in mind that nap patterns and sleep schedules may shift as your child grows and develops.

If you're curious about what lies ahead in the coming month, glimpse into the future to see what you might experience when your little one is on a . Or take a look back at a .

25 month old baby sleep FAQ

Q: Can a 25 month old baby sleep through the night?


We define “sleeping through the night” as sleeping for 6 uninterrupted hours overnight without calling out. Most children are developmentally able to do this by around 6 months old. At 2 years old, if your child had been sleeping through the night and then began waking up and calling out overnight again, we’d refer to this as a “sleep regression.” Factors like teething, nightmares, a big life change, and developmental milestones may disrupt toddler sleep .

Q: How often do 25 month old toddlers sleep?


Children at this age usually take one midday nap that lasts around 1.5 - 2.5 hours.

Q: How much nighttime sleep for a 25 month old?


Toddlers at 25 months typically need around 10 - 11 hours of overnight sleep. However, some children may have higher or lower sleep needs and that’s OK! We suggest considering your little one’s overall mood and energy levels in addition to their average total hours of sleep when evaluating if they’re getting enough rest.

Q: How much awake time for a 25 month old?


We recommend around 5.5 - 6 hours of awake time for a 2 year old before and after their daily nap.

Q: How much daytime sleep for a 25 month old?


Naps tend to be 1.5 - 2.5 hours for toddlers at 25 months. Note that nap durations may vary depending on the day and your child’s unique sleep needs.

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Note: The content on this site is for informational purposes only and should not replace medical advice from your doctor, pediatrician, or medical professional. If you have questions or concerns, you should contact a medical professional.

2 Sources


  1. Paruthi S, et al. (2016). Recommended amount of sleep for pediatric populations: a consensus statement of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
  2. Nemours Children's Health (2024). Temper Tantrums.

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