
9 month old sleep schedule: Bedtime and nap schedule

If your baby is experiencing the 9 month sleep regression (also known as the 8 month sleep regression), predictable sleep patterns might be a bit trickier than you’re used to this month. We recommend continuing to prioritize naps and early bedtimes to help them sleep as well as they can during this time.

Hang in there — this is a temporary phase and yet an important period of typical baby development!

Editor’s note

The recommendations listed below represent the average amount of sleep typically needed at this age. However, please note there is a range of normal as some children have lower or higher sleep needs. Your child’s schedule may vary, and that is normal.


How much should a 9 month old sleep?

Sample 9 month old sleep schedule

Naptime schedule for a 9 month old

Bedtime for a 9 month old

9 month old baby sleep FAQ

At 9 months of age, we’ll continue to aim for around 14 hours of total sleep, which is well within the 12 - 15 hours recommended by the National Sleep Foundation for a 24-hour period. That’s 11 - 12 hours at night and 2 - 3 hours during the day over 2 naps. Most children need 2.75 - 3.5 hours of awake time between sleep periods at this age.

Remember baby sleep requirements can vary and there's a range of what's considered normal and healthy. Don't be discouraged if your child's sleep doesn't match up to the suggested hours and keep in mind it's normal that wake windows increase by age. The recommended hours are just a general guideline and it's equally important to assess your child's mood and energy levels to make sure they're getting the rest they need.

[Note: for children who were born early, we go by their adjusted age for sleep development.]

Here's a quick overview of what you may expect when it comes to 9 month olds and sleep. Note that these figures are averages and should be used as guidelines.

Average total sleep14 hours
Number of naps2
Goal daytime sleep2 - 3 hours
Wake windows2.75 - 3.5 hours

You’re not alone if you often find your baby sitting, standing, or cruising in their crib when they should be sleeping. Yes, it can be frustrating to see your baby play when they should be sleeping, but don’t repeatedly intervene. That can backfire and lead to even more sleep issues! Instead, give them the opportunity to explore and wind down on their own. Resettle your baby every 10 - 15 minutes or so until they’re ready for sleep.

Babies will often start to protest more during their bedtime routine at this age. We recommend offering more comfort as needed, but aim for consistency and to follow through with the healthy sleep habits that you’ve already established. This will help you maintain long-term progress.

Sample 9 month sleep schedule

Note: Sleep needs vary by child and this chart should be viewed as an example.

  • Morning rise: 6:30 AM

  • Wake window before first nap: 2.75 hours

  • First nap: 9:15 AM - 10:45 AM (1.5 hour nap)

  • Wake window before second nap: 3.5 hours

  • Second nap: 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM (1.5 hour nap)

  • Get ready for bed: 6:30 PM

  • Wake window before bedtime: 3.5 hours

  • Asleep: 7:15 PM

Ideally, your baby will be taking 2 naps for a total of 2 - 3 hours of daytime sleep. Each nap should be at least 60 minutes long.

Most babies will be ready to drop their third nap by 9 months of age and be ready for a 2-nap schedule with an earlier bedtime. If your baby is still taking 3 naps a day, they’ll likely transition to 2 naps over the next month. Signs that a baby is ready to drop a nap include: shorter naps, resisting one of the naps (particularly the last one), and/or consistently sleeping less than 10 hours a night.

Here’s what a typical day may look like at this age:

Morning rise6:00 AM
1st nap8:45 AM - 10:15 AM (1.5 hour nap); 2.75 hours of awake time before morning nap
2nd nap1:45 PM - 3:15 PM (1.5 hour nap); 3.5 hours of awake time before afternoon nap
Get ready for sleep5:45 PM
Asleep6:45 PM; 3.5 hours of awake time before bedtime

A typical bedtime at this age is 12 - 13 hours after waking in the morning. For example, if your baby wakes around 7:00 AM, then you’ll want to target a 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM bedtime. While some babies do well with a consistent “by the clock” bedtime (e.g., aiming for a 7:30 PM bedtime each night), others will continue to sleep better if their bedtime is determined according to their last awake window.

If your baby tends to get overtired easily and wakes more often at night when their awake windows are pushed too far, set bedtime for no more than 3.5 hours after the second nap. Resist making bedtime earlier than 6:00 PM, as that can lead to early rising issues.

Curious about what lies ahead in the coming month? Check out our article to see what you might experience once your baby is on a 10 month sleep schedule. Look back at an 8 month sleep schedule to see how far your little one has come.

In general, 9 month olds are growing and changing so much! If you're curious about milestones in other areas, like speech and motor skills, check out what you may expect from 9 month old development milestones.

9 month old baby sleep FAQ

Q: Can a 9 month old baby sleep through the night?


While all babies awaken briefly throughout a 10 - 12 hour night, research supports that most babies this age are capable of sleeping for 9-hour stretches without needing parental intervention. Babies who are put in their cribs awake at bedtime and fall asleep on their own (i.e., self-soothe) are less likely to call out for parental assistance when they do wake during the night. These “self soothers” are able to fall back to sleep on their own and have longer consolidated sleep periods. Some babies continue to need a nighttime feeding, typically between 3:00 AM and 5:00 AM.

Q: How often do 9 month old babies sleep?


An average 9 month old baby needs 2 naps per day, with 2.75 - 3.5 hours of awake time between sleep periods. The period of wakefulness before the first nap tends to be the shortest of the day, and the longest period of wakefulness comes at the end of the day. As a result, a 9 month old typically needs 3.5 hours of awake time before bedtime.

Q: How much nighttime sleep for a 9 month old?


Most babies this age need at least 10 hours of nighttime sleep, although 11 - 12 hours is ideal.

Q: How much awake time for a 9 month old?


Aim for 2.75 - 3.5 hours of wakefulness between sleep periods. Awake windows tend to increase throughout the day, with the longest period of wakefulness occurring before bedtime.

Q: How much daytime sleep for a 9 month old?


9 month old babies typically need 2 - 3 hours of daytime sleep each day. When babies have short naps, it can result in awake windows that are too long and lead to difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep.

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Note: The content on this site is for informational purposes only and should not replace medical advice from your doctor, pediatrician, or medical professional. If you have questions or concerns, you should contact a medical professional.

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