Visualize your daily schedule with Schedule Creator

Updated Aug 23, 2023
You likely already know how useful it is to have a routine for your baby. Whether your little one is hitting that four-month sleep regression or moving on up into toddlerhood, having a predictable flow to your day does so much for keeping them (and you!) on track with their mood, food, sleep, and more. While our SweetSpot® feature is amazing to help predict the next nap or bedtime, some Huckleberry parents also want to plan for a full day’s sleep schedule.
Luckily, there’s Schedule Creator. If you ever wondered, “What should sleep look like now that my child is another month older?” or “When should I schedule that swim class so we get home before nap time?” then this is the tool for you, available with Huckleberry Plus.

What can Schedule Creator do?
With Schedule Creator, you can adjust your child’s wake-up time and the number of naps they take per day to generate your custom sleep schedule. Use our suggested wake windows, or adjust based on your child - just one more way we’re helping bring better sleep to families! And there’s more:
See what different schedules look like for your kiddo’s age group
Pro tip: Add your custom created schedule to the Week and chart to see how your child’s sleep is tracking against it
Determine upcoming naptime changes if your babe woke up earlier or later than usual
Plan your day around a set bedtime (ideal for counting down to Daylight Savings Time!)
Share your schedule with another caregiver
How to access Schedule Creator
Tap on the calendar/clock icon at the top of your home screen, and from there you can set up your schedule using the various Schedule Creator settings. Now you can easily plan around sleep changes and see the entire day at a glance. Happy planning!
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